The First Epistle to the Corinthians , often referred to as First
Corinthians (and written as 1 Corinthians), is the seventh book
of the New Testament of the Bible.
Paul the Apostle and
" Sosthenes our brother" wrote this epistle to "the church of
God which is at Corinth ", in Greece.[ 1Cor.1:1-2 ]
This epistle contains some well-known phrases, including
(depending on the translation) "all things to all men" (9:22),
"without love, I am nothing" (13:2), "through a glass,
darkly" (13:12), and "when I was a child, I spoke as a child, I
felt as a child, I thought as a child"
There is near consensus among historians and Christian
theologians that Paul is the author of the First Epistle to the
Corinthians, typically classifying its authorship as
"undisputed" (see Authorship of the Pauline epistles ). The letter
is quoted or mentioned by the earliest of sources, and is
included in every ancient canon, including that of Marcion .
However, two passages may have been inserted at a later
stage. The first passage is 1 Cor 11:2–16 dealing with praying
and prophesying with head covering. [1] The second passage is
1 Cor 14:34–35 which has been hotly debated. Part of the
reason for doubt is that in some manuscripts, the verses come
at the end of the chapter instead of at its present location.
Furthermore, Paul is here appealing to the law which is
uncharacteristic of him. Lastly, the verses come into conflict
with 11:5 where women are described as praying and
prophesying. [2]
The epistle was written from Ephesus (16:8), a city on the west
coast of today's Turkey, about 180 miles by sea from Corinth.
According to Acts of the Apostles, Paul founded the church in
Corinth (Acts 18:1–17), then spent approximately three years
in Ephesus (Acts 19:8, 19:10, 20:31). The letter was written
during this time in Ephesus, which is usually dated as being in
the range of 53 to 57 AD.[3][4]
The traditional subscription to the epistle, translated in the King
James Bible, states that this epistle was written at Philippi,
perhaps arising from a misinterpretation of 16:5, "For I do
pass through Macedonia", as meaning, "I am passing through
Macedonia". In 16:8 Paul declares his intention of staying in
Ephesus until Pentecost. This statement, in turn, is clearly
reminiscent of Paul's Second Missionary Journey, when Paul
travelled from Corinth to Ephesus, before going to Jerusalem
for Pentecost (cf. Acts 18:22). Thus, it is possible that I
Corinthians was written during Paul's first (brief) stay in
Ephesus, at the end of his Second Journey, usually dated to
early 54 AD. However, it is more likely that it was written during
his extended stay in Ephesus, where he refers to sending
Timothy to them (Acts 19:22, I Cor. 4:17). Also, his references
to Apollos (1:12, 3:4, etc.) show that Apollos was known to
Paul and the church at the time of writing, which would
preclude the first recorded visit to Ephesus (See Acts 18:24-28)
1 Cor. 1:1–2a from 14th century Minuscule 223
1 Cor. 1:1–21 in Codex Amiatinus
The epistle may be divided into seven parts: [5]
1. Salutation (1:1–3)
1. Paul addresses the issue regarding challenges to
his apostleship and defends the issue by claiming
that it was given to him through a revelation from
Christ. The salutation (the first section of the
letter) reinforces the legitimacy of Paul's
apostolic claim.
2. Thanksgiving (1:4–9)
1. The thanksgiving part of the letter is typical of
Hellenistic letter writing. In a thanksgiving
recitation the writer thanks God for health, a safe
journey, deliverance from danger, or good
2. In this letter, the thanksgiving "introduces
charismata and gnosis, topics to which Paul will
return and that he will discuss at greater length
later in the letter" (Roetzel, 1999).
3. Division in Corinth (1:10–4:21)
1. Facts of division
2. Causes of division
3. Cure for division
4. Immorality in Corinth (5:1–6:20)
1. Discipline an immoral Brother
2. Resolving personal disputes
3. Sexual purity
5. Difficulties in Corinth (7:1–14:40)
1. Marriage
2. Christian liberty
3. Worship
6. Doctrine of Resurrection (15:1–58)
7. Closing (16:1–24)
1. Paul's closing remarks in his letters usually
contain his intentions and efforts to improve the
community. He would first conclude with his
paraenesis and wish them peace by including a
prayer request, greet them with his name and his
friends with a holy kiss, and offer final grace and

Now concerning the contribution for the saints:
as I directed the churches of Galatia… Let all
your things be done with charity. Greet one
another with a holy kiss... I, Paul, write this
greeting with my own hand. If any man love not
the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema
Maranatha . The grace of the Lord Jesus be with
you. My love be with you all in Christ Jesus.
—(1 Cor. 16:1–24).