Saturday, 27 June 2015

The United States Supreme Court legalized same-sex “marriage” across the country today. Five of the Supreme Court justices ruled in favor, while four dissented. While the decision will overturn state bans on same-sex "marriages", it allows opponents of the ruling three weeks to ask for reconsideration.

“They ask for equal dignity in the eyes of the law. The Constitution grants them that right,” Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote in the majority ruling.

However, in his dissent, Chief Justice John Roberts argued that the question of same-sex “marriage” had "nothing to do” with the Constitution.

“Whether same-sex marriage is a good idea should be of no concern to us,” he wrote. “Under the Constitution, judges have power to say what the law is, not what it should be.”

“The fundamental right to marry does not include a right to make a State change its definition of marriage,” he continued. “And a State’s decision to maintain the meaning of marriage that has persisted in every culture throughout human history can hardly be called irrational. In short, our Constitution does not enact any one theory of marriage. The people of a State are free to expand marriage to include same-sex couples, or to retain the historic definition.”

Chief Justice Roberts went on to say that majority decision to legalize same-sex “marriage” was an “act of will not legal judgement”. He also questioned whether in a democratic republic, such a decision should be made by the people through their elected representatives “or with five lawyers who happen to hold commissions authorizing them to resolve legal disputes according to law.”

“The Constitution leaves no doubt about the answer,” he concluded.

“A Tragic Error”

Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz, President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, said that despite the Supreme Court’s decision, “the nature of the human person and marriage remains unchanged and unchangeable.”

“Just as Roe v. Wade did not settle the question of abortion over forty years ago, Obergefell v. Hodges does not settle the question of marriage today,” he wrote. “Neither decision is rooted in the truth, and as a result, both will eventually fail.”

Archbishop Kurtz called the Supreme Court’s decision “wrong” and immoral”, stressing that it is unjust for the US government “to declare that two people of the same sex can constitute a marriage.”

Citing the Holy Father’s recent encyclical, Laudato Si’, the USCCB President said that protecting the meaning of marriage as the union of one man and one woman “is a critical dimension of the ‘integral ecology’ that Pope Francis has called us to promote.”

“Mandating marriage redefinition across the country is a tragic error that harms the common good and most vulnerable among us, especially children. The law has a duty to support every child’s basic right to be raised, where possible, by his or her married mother and father in a stable home,” he wrote.

Concluding his statement, Archbishop Kurtz encouraged Catholics in the US to continue to move forward in faith, hope and love.

“Faith in the unchanging truth about marriage, rooted in the immutable nature of the human person and confirmed by divine revelation; hope that these truths will once again prevail in our society, not only by their logic, but by their great beauty and manifest service to the common good; and love for all our neighbors, even those who hate us or would punish us for our faith and moral convictions,” he wrote.

Posted on Saturday, June 27, 2015 by Unknown

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'It is very important today that a woman be adequately appreciated, and that she be able to take up fully the place that corresponds to her, be it in the Church, be it in society." Pope Francis made this statement in the Vatican this morning when addressing more than 200 participants for the World Meeting of International Catholic Conference of Guiding.

The International Catholic Conference of Guiding (ICCG) is an international group for Catholic Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. On the feast of the Epiphany in 1965 in Rome, the ICCG officially came into existence when twenty-one Girl Guide associations established the unifying group.

The guides are in Rome, June 25-30, to explore the theme of "Living the joy of the Gospel as a guide."

In his remarks, Francis noted how the role of educational associations such as theirs--which are addressed to girls--is "absolutely determinant for the future." He stressed how their pedagogy must be clear on such questions.

"We are in a world in which the most contrary ideologies are spreading to the nature and design of God on the family and on marriage," Francis said. "Therefore, it is a question of educating girls not only to the beauty and grandeur of their vocation of women, in a just and differentiated relation between man and woman, but also to assume important responsibilities in the Church and in society."

"In some countries, where woman is still in a position of inferiority, and even exploited and mistreated," the Pope lamented, "you are certainly called to carry out a notable role of promotion and education." The Pontiff also urged them not to forget the necessary and explicit openness of your pedagogy to the possibility of a life consecrated to the Lord.

The Pope also thanked them for all the good "that the Lord has enabled you to do in hearts. At the same time, I hope that the Holy Spirit will lead the different Associations that you group together on the path to follow to be able to meet the future challenges."

"Education is, in fact, the indispensable means to enable girls to become active and responsible women, proud and happy of their faith in Christ lived in every day life. Thus they will participate in the building of a world permeated by the Gospel," he said.

He also said he appreciated the topic they chose for their meeting: “To Live the Joy of the Gospel as a Guide:” "It is a magnificent plan: to proclaim to others, with the witness of our life, that to encounter Jesus makes us happy; that to encounter Jesus frees and heals us; that to encounter Jesus opens us to others and drives us to proclaim him, in particular to the poorest, to those who are far away, alone and abandoned."

Before entrusting the guides to Mary's care and imparting his Apostolic Blessing, Pope Francis reminded the guides: "The Virgin Mary is the model of woman according to the Gospel and according to the heart of God, of which the Church and our societies are in need. May she be for you source of encouragement and inspiration."

Posted on Saturday, June 27, 2015 by Unknown

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The Holy See has signed a Comprehensive Agreement with the State of Palestine today.

The agreement defines the juridical status of the Catholic Church in the country as well as officially recognizing Palestine as a State. It also promotes a two-State solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

In an address following the signing, Archbishop Paul Gallagher, Secretary for Relations with States noted that the agreement “marks an important step on the path of good relations which for some time have happily existed between the Parties.”

The current agreement, he went on to say, was indicative of the progress made by the Palestinian Authority, particularly its recognition by the United Nations as a non-member Observer State. He also expressed his hope that the agreement would help foster a solution to the current conflict.

“It is my hope that the present Agreement may in some way be a stimulus to bringing a definitive end to the long-standing Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which continues to cause suffering for both Parties,” he said.

“I also hope that the much desired two-State solution may become a reality as soon as possible.”

Archbishop Gallagher went on to say that the peace process can only move forward if Israel and Palestine negotiate directly, with the support of the international community.

“In the complex reality of the Middle East, where in some countries Christians have even suffered persecution, this Agreement offers a good example of dialogue and cooperation, and I earnestly hope that this may serve as a model for other Arab and Muslim majority countries,” he said.

Palestine’s Foreign Affairs Minister, Dr. Riad Al-Malki, said that the agreement “reinforces our bond with new and unprecedented provisions related to the special status of Palestine as the birthplace of Christianity and as the cradle of monolithic religions.”

In recognizing Palestinian statehood, Al-Malki said that the agreement recognizes the right to freedom, dignity and self-determination “in an independent from the shackles of occupation.”

“It also supports the vision for peace and justice in the region in accordance with international law and based on two states, living side by side in peace and security, on the basis of the 1967 borders,” he said.

Concluding his address, Al-Malki conveyed President Mahmoud Abbas’, as well as the State of Palestine’s intentions to abide by the newly signed Agreement.

Posted on Saturday, June 27, 2015 by Unknown

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Pope Francis says Christians need to approach and reach out to those whom society tends to exclude, as Jesus did with the marginalized of his time. During his daily morning Mass at Casa Santa Marta, the Pope stressed this point, noting this makes the Church a true "community," reported Vatican Radio.

Francis recalled how the first to dirty himself was Jesus who--without shying away--approached the excluded of his time. In Jesus getting his hands dirty, touching and healing lepers, Francis stressed, we are taught that we must have this closeness in the Church.

The Pontiff reflected on today's Gospel in which the leper prostrates himself before the Lord and says, "Lord, if you want, you can make me clean," and Jesus touches and heals him. Francis noted how the miracle was observed by the doctors of law who considered the leper 'impure.' Leprosy, he explained, was a life sentence and healing a leper was considered as difficult as raising someone from the dead.

"How many people were watching from afar and did not understand nor care," Francis said. Some, he continued, watched with bad hearts, ready to put Jesus to the test, to criticize, and to condemn him. Others, he noted, watched from a distance because they lacked courage. Jesus doing this and reaching out to the marginalized epitomizes Christian proximity.

"So many times I think how it is--I would not say impossible--but very difficult to do good without getting your hands dirty," Francis said. "And Jesus is soiled."

Jesus never marginalizes anyone, but rather includes in His life the excluded and demonstrates the fundamental value of the word 'proximity.' Without proximity, the Pope stressed, one cannot make peace or do good.

"This is the mystery of Jesus [who] takes upon himself our dirt, our impurities," Francis said, recalling how St. Paul described how Jesus emptied himself for us.

"Proximity," the Pope said, calls for an examination of conscience on behalf of "the Church, parishes, communities, consecrated persons, the bishops, priests, everyone."

Concluding his homily, Pope Francis called on the faithful to ask themselves. "Do I have the spirit, the strength and the courage to touch the marginalized?"

Posted on Saturday, June 27, 2015 by Unknown

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While acknowledging that defeating the terrorist group Boko Haram will not happen overnight, Bishop Oliver Dashe Doeme of Maiduguri says his people have the faith that it will be.

According to Fides, the Bishop of Maiduguri said, "We have concrete hope that Boko Haram will be defeated soon.

"We are praying that Boko Haram will soon become a thing that belongs to the past."

Maiduguri is the capital of the Nigerian State of Borno. On Monday June 22, two girls had carried out two suicide-bomb attacks in the city, killing 32 people. In other areas of the Borno State, new attacks, also with suicide bombs, were committed.

While acknowledging these attacks are painful for a high number of victims, Bishop Doeme notes they are intended to show that the terrorist group is still alive and able to strike after the latest military offensives. It is now known, he stressed, that Boko Haram suffered significant losses and lost control of different territories.

“The defeat of Boko Haram fighters will not happen in one day,” he said, noting "it will be necessary to dislodge them from their strongholds, especially in the forest, then proceed towards their complete disarmament".

"We hope that this will happen in the near future,” Bishop Doeme said. (D.C.L.)

Posted on Saturday, June 27, 2015 by Unknown

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Friday, 26 June 2015

My child asked me if Jesus has brown skin. I didn’t know how to answer the question, since the only pictures or statues we have of Jesus show him as Caucasian.


Jesus was a Palestinian Jew, which means he probably looked similar to modern-day Israelis. However, because Jesus’ mission was to the whole world, different peoples are free to create images of him that show him to be one of their own people. That is why you will sometimes see statues or icons of a “Caucasian Jesus” or an “African Jesus” or a “Native American Jesus” or an “Oriental Jesus.” Such images demonstrate the universality of the Incarnation.

Posted on Friday, June 26, 2015 by Unknown

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Thursday, 18 June 2015

Blessed Virgin who, under the title of Repose, reminds us of the succoring pity with which your maternal heart is open to your children, hear our prayer! Through your powerful intercession,

O Mary, may minds and hearts find repose in abandoning themselves to the Will of the Heavenly Father, in the consciousness of their frailty, in faith in divine promises, in the hope of eternal blessings, and in adhering lovingly to your Crucified Jesus who has made our crosses his own. If we are protected by you,

O Mary, calm amid earthly perturbation will not be an empty word. It will be repose for the strong, watchful against hostile forces; repose for the pure, away from worldly corruption. And as through you we shall have had peace in this life, so, at the end of our pilgrimage in time, we shall enjoy peace for ever and ever. Amen.

Posted on Thursday, June 18, 2015 by Unknown

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O Mary! Most humble Daughter of the Father, most pure Mother of the Son, most faithful Spouse of the Holy Ghost, I venerate thee with profound humility.

Mother most merciful, secure refuge and sweet Advocate of sinners! I bow before thine Immaculate Heart, Tabernacle of the Most Holy Trinity, Seat of Wisdom and Goodness; by thy hands I offer my heart to God, the Holy Ghost, and with all humility, and all confidence,

I implore that He grant me, through thy merits, that which I hope to obtain from His infinite goodness. Amen.

(State your intention(s) here...)

Posted on Thursday, June 18, 2015 by Unknown

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O Mary, look upon the church, look upon the most responsible members of the Mystical Body of Christ gathered about you to thank you and to celebrate you as their Mystical Mother. O Mary, bless the great assembly of the hierarchical church, which also gives birth to brothers and sisters of Christ, the firstborn among redeemed humankind.

O Mary, grant that this church of Christ, in defining itself, will acknowledge you as its most chosen mother, daughter, and sister, as well as its incomparable model, its glory, its joy, and its hope. We ask you now that we may be made worthy of honouring you because of who you are and because of what you do in the wondrous and loving plan of salvation.

Grant that we may praise you, O holy Virgin! O Mary, look upon us who are your children, look upon us who are brothers and sisters, disciples and apostles and continuation of Jesus. Make us aware of our vocation and our mission; may we not be unworthy to take on, in our priesthood, in our word, in the offering of our life for the faithful entrusted to us, the representation and personification of Christ. O you who are full of grace, grant that the priesthood that honours you may itself also be holy and immaculate.

O Mary, we pray to you for our Christian brothers and sisters who are still separated from our Catholic family. See how a glorious group of them celebrate your cult with fidelity and love. See also how among another group, who are so intent on calling themselves Christians, there now dawns the remembrance and the veneration of you, O most holy Lady. Call these children of yours to the one unity under your motherly and heavenly aid. O Mary, look upon all mankind, this modern world in which the Divine Will calls us to live and work. It is a world that has turned its back on the light of Christ; then it fears and bemoans the frightening shadows that its actions have created on all sides.

May your most human voice, O most beautiful of virgins, O most worthy of mothers, O blessed among women, invited the world to turn its eyes toward the life that is the light of man, toward you who are the precursor-lamp of Christ, Who is the sole and the highest Light of the world. Implore for the world the true understanding of its own existence; implore for the world the joy of living as the creation of God and hence the desire and the capacity to converse, by prayer, with its Maker, whose mysterious and blesses image it reflects within itself. Implore for the world the grace to esteem everything as the gift of God and hence the virtue to work with generosity and to make use of such gifts wisely and providently. Implore peace for the world. Fashion brothers and sisters out of persons who are so divided. Guide us to a more ordered and peaceful society. For those who are suffering, today there are so many and ever new ones, afflicted by current misfortunes, obtain solace; and for the dead, obtain eternal rest. Show yourself a mother to us; this is our prayer, O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary! Amen.

Posted on Thursday, June 18, 2015 by Unknown

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We fly to thy patronage, O holy Mother of God; despise not our petitions in our necessities, but deliver us always from all dangers, O glorious and blessed Virgin. Amen. May the Divine assistance remain always with us! Amen.

Posted on Thursday, June 18, 2015 by Unknown

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